Menter Iaith Lloegr is a group o encourage Welsh in England. It has a facebook page - see below with 100 members and growing. Its founders spoke last week at the Eisteddfod in Glyn Ebwy as a 'launch', however it links many existing Welsh language groups in England and has a lot of experienced organisers, students and tutors involved.
As yet it is entirely unfunded by government or charity. Have a look at the facebook group and sign up - especially if you are learning Welsh in England (or in Wales but keep in touch with freinds and family 'dros clawdd Offa')
Hwyl Petroc ap Seisyllt - Llundain L196 tiwtor
Gwahodd Eraill i Ymuno
Diddordeb Cyffredin - Ieithoedd
Grŵp i helpu pobl sy'n dysgu'r hen iaith yn Lloegr - Group to help people who are learning Welsh in England.
Mi fydd y safle yn adnodd i ddangos digwyddiadau, manylion am wersi a chyrsiau yn Lloegr a thu hwnt.
The site will be a resource to display events, information about classes and courses in England and beyond.
Yn y pen draw yr ydyn ni'n gobeithio creu Menter Iaith i Loegr. Our long term aim is to create a Menter iaith for England
Math o Breifatrwydd:
Agored: Mae'r cynnwys i gyd yn gyhoeddus.
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