If we are to believe this the British Council has at last woken up to its bilingual 'Britishness" role. We shall see.
Thank you for your interest in the work of British Council Wales.
I have forwarded your enquiry to our Communications Officer Suma
Krishnamurthy who will be able to tell you if a Welsh translation is
available on our work in Europe.
If a Welsh translation is currently unavailable, it would be possible to
provide you one within a reasonable time, allowing sufficient time for
If you would like to contact Suma Krishnamurthy personally you can do so
via email at suma.krishnamurthy@britishcouncil.org.
Kind regards,
Katherine Snell
Customer Services Co-ordinator
British Council Wales ~ British Council Cymru
28 Park Place ~ 28 Plas y Parc
Cardiff ~ Caerdydd
CF10 3QE
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 05 March 2008 17:26
To: Wales.Enquiries
Subject: Welsh website
Oes na dudalenau Cymraeg yna, roeddwn yn chwilio am ddeunydd am eich
gwaith yn Ewrop a tu hwnt ond doedd dim deunydd o gwbl yn y gymraeg.
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The British Council is a registered charity 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Our purpose is to build mutually beneficial relationships between people in the UK and other countries and to increase appreciation of the UK's creative ideas and achievements.
1 comment:
On May 8th 2008 The Welsh Assembly Government put a statutory order forcing the British Council to provide a Welsh Language Scheme and to comply fully with the Welsh Language Act. British at last boys!
Ai ffrances i ffrancwr yw e? Quotation from Siwan to be performed in London in Welsh on 27 and 28 May 2008
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