Welcome to the Anglophone blog about the Welsh in England. Our rights and our role in the Emerging English state. The future role of the Welsh language as a core identity marker of Britishness, of deep Englishness and of a pluralistic and open England.
Croeso i Loegr.
Over 100.000 Welsh speakers live in England and this is increasing. Mobility between Wales and England is probably one of the highest inter-nation exchanges of population on the planet at over 100,000 per annum (50,000 each way) that's a million movements per decade - the effect on a nation of only 3 million is obvious.
Increasing visibility and status of Welsh in Wales means that England and Wales government agencies now need to provide bilingual services, increasing interconnectedness and the eWorld provide access in a way never before possible to Welsh language resources.
Of the two futures:
An independant England, Scotland and a Wales with a strong Cambrophone tendency. or;
A federal British state with a strong Cambrophone Wales.
Both of these will see a positive response to Welsh within England and some aspects of the Canadian French-English policy will occur. White Dragon will seek to ensure quality and sensitivity in these developments.
Why the symbolism? The White Dragon represents one of two legendary dragons that fought for supremacy, the Red Dragon of Wales and the White Dragon - Draig Wen of LLoegr (England). Both dragons are British and both are Cymry. The oldest poem of England was written in Welsh - about the battle of Catterick (Yorkshire), King Arthur was Welsh. the place names of England are richly speckled with Welsh words from Avon (river) to Penge (woods edge) from London (Llundain =Lughs city) to Carlisle (Caerliwelydd=Lughs fort on the wall). The legend has them locked in an embrace to the end of time.
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